Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Location Shots

During the filming stage of my trailer I have taken a few images of where I am planning on filming. The first few scenes of my trailer are going to be filmed at the school and images above shows that the filming is going to be outside on the field. The objects I need for the outside scene is a tree and a open area for other students to be located at therefore, this led to me choosing to shoot this scene at the school as it’s the perfect location and students are going to be around to help. The rest of my trailer is going to be filmed at this particular house as it has all the features to create a scary trailer and this house has the space to experiment with other scene to put into my trailer. 

Filming schedule

Prop Ideas

The images above show the types of props that I'm going to use during my trailer to help attract my demographic. I have gone with the norms of a gory horror in terms of props used such as knife and blood as these are the type of associations that are made with a gory horror. The heart necklace is going to be used as a symbol of the girls innocence and in many horror movies the victim always has object to symbolise her purity. The laptop is going to be a source of bullying.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Costume Ideas


If i am going to film my trailer in any public place when i am required to write a letter to the owners of the land asking for permission to carryout filming on their land. I am planning on filming part of my trailer at the Misbourne School as it fits in with my story therefore, this has led to me writing up a letter to the school requesting to film in their facilities.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Target Audience Research

I also carried out market research on a older crowd of individuals to see if their opinions of horror movies are different to the younger generations as this provides me with more information on the type of target demographic I will be aiming my trailer towards. As my research shows that gory horror movies are very popular in the opinion of the younger generations as this type of horror genre is something that they’ve have grown up with. However, when using the messaging platform What’s App, I was able to find out the opinion of the older generation of gory horror movies. I found that there is mixed opinions of this genre of horror. The main reason that this generation are not fans of this is because they feel that the storyline of many gory horror movies are poor and don’t make movie as appealing as other horror genres. Furthermore, some of this generation do enjoy gory horror movies and the main movie that this generation felt was a successful gory horror movie is the Saw franchise as the there is a valid storyline linking all the movies together compared to other gory horror movies.

Focus Group

Narrative Evaluation

Narrative Evaluation

After our media group carried out a task that involved us receiving feedback about our film/music video narratives, it gave me a chance to see what other people my age and older think of my film narrative and what could be added to make sure it appeals to my demographic. By receiving this feedback I have been given the chance to see what was good and bad about my film narrative and any suggestions they had.

 I gave my peers a choice between two film narratives and the majority of the group decided that the second proposal was the most entertaining and attractive narrative.  However, a common piece of advice that occurred was to decide on whether my main character is going to be a male or female and after I received this information I went around the group and asked which sex could the viewer rather see be the main character in my trailer. After I conducted this piece of research I found that the majority of the group would rather see a female as the main character as females are seen as the more vulnerable and helpless gender.

 The positive that my peers found in my narrative is that many of them liked the depth I went into with the actions that the victim is going to be performing in the film. Also the idea of having flashbacks and close up shots were also identified to be a positive as these are editing and camera shot techniques are associated with horror movies. The reason why my co students preferred my second proposal was that this narrative allowed the viewer to put their own interpretation on what’s going to happen throughout the movie and this seemed to be a good idea as a connection is made with the viewer.   

Peer Assessment

George Baxter
What went well?
·         The use of screenshots to further develop the idea that’s being given.
·         In depth analysis of all of the music videos and use of screenshots to further gives his opinion on the music video.
·         All work is well structured and clear for the viewer to read and not look as theres not structure in his work.
·         George has also covered many different aspects of the music video such as mise – en – scene, editing etc.
Even better if?
·         Make sure that the work is put up in chronological order because if not your blog doesn’t have the professional structure it should have.
·         Should use different platforms for your work as it will show off your different skills of various software’s. The use of only one or two pieces of software doesn’t show the viewer or examiner that you’ve got skills on other platforms.
·         Go into more detail of other theorist than Propp as you’ve only gone into real detail on his views.

Sasha Wallen

What went well?
·         The structure of your is very good and is in chronological order which makes it easier for the viewer to find what they want to see and you’ve done that.
·         Sasha use of English and grammar is at a high level and shows the viewers that she has a large vocabulary understanding and knows what she is talking about.
·         Sasha’s knowledge of trailers and horror movies is evident when looking at her blog and also good use of focus groups.
Even better if?
·         Use different types of software to show off your skills on various platforms

Monday, 6 October 2014

Social Media Feedback

I have used social media as a platform to receive feedback as this is a quick and effective way of doing so. I have used Facebook for primary research and i have asked questions to my fellow students to see their own opinion on horror movies and gory horrors. This allowed me to get a good idea of what people my age want to see in a movie trailer and if they would watch a gory horror movie. 
