Friday, 27 February 2015

The effectiveness of my main Product and ancillary Task

For a movie to be successful its fundamental that the both the trailer, poster and promotion of the movie is done effectively and is able to capture the attention of the targeted demographic the producer want the movie to appeal to. The production of my trailer and ancillary are used as a marketing tool to advertise my film idea and interact with the target audience to make them aware of my film idea I am presenting. The production of a movie trailer, magazine front cover and poster enables me to advertise my movie in different ways and places to gain further awareness of the movie. The trailer contains content that’s going to be included in the movie and gives the audience a idea of the type of movie however, also not trying to give too much away and give away all the excitement about the movie away in the trailer. The film poster is another way of advertising a film and normally includes the main character with text about the movie. This is similar to a magazine front cover, as it will normally include an image of the main character with text relating to the film. All of these products work together to help attract interest in the film but in different platforms. This is done by ensuring that all three products have different content that will attract interest and make advertisement of my film successful. When creating these products I have ensured that they all follow a similar structure to help give off the same feeling of a scary horror movie and this will include dark and gory colours as this will emphasises the fact that my movie is a gory horror movie. These three products have been successful for a long period of time as the accessibility to advertise these products to the target demographic is easy. Also the content that these products provide is enough to convince potential customers to either purchase or attract them to go and see the movie. The appeal to watch a trailer before going to watch a movie is a very common as the information this provides to key to the success of the film. Therefore, ensuring that the content in the trailer is appealing to the target demographic is key to the success of any film.

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